Other Information - Credits
This website was designed for youth preparing to testify in court. The project has been made possible through Women's Centre for Social Justice, o/a WomenatthecentrE and community partnerships. We hope you have found this website helpful.
Project Director
Shirley Broekstra, RN, HBA, MEd
Graphics and Interactive Design
Ilan Sivapathasundaram
Programming and Technical
Russell Bronson
Contributing Authors
Shirley Broekstra
Cathryn Cooper
Kefela Campbel
Individual Contributions
Sharon O’Regan
Jean-Francois Flores
Gwennaëlle Le Luhandre
Advisory Committee
The advisory committee is comprised of professionals representing the field of law and youth across Canada.
Community Partners
Ontario Network Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres
Ontario Victim/Witness Assistance Programs
Toronto Police Services
Kitchener Child Witness Centre
Lincoln Alexander School of Law
We would like to express our gratitude for the financial support from The Law Foundation of Ontario.